is this thing on?


It’s amazing what a change of scenery can do for your wellbeing.

The breeze from the Mediterranean, the sand on the soles of my feet, the gentle, rhythmic whisper of the waves, and the sun beaming down on my face is the prescription I needed.

The fine meals, the relaxed pace of life, the lack of constant buzzes from my phone have all helped me to really switch off and take stock of everything.

My biggest thought is where do I go from here? I’ve suffered a big set back in my life, and as difficult as that has been, it has given me the opportunity to really, really assess where I am.

As I stand at these crossroads, I wonder if I should try to follow the path I was originally on, down a road I already know very well, and have walked many times, or head off in a completely new direction, into uncharted territory?

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